Ruby Bateman is a visual artist working from her home studio in the South West Countryside. Using a richly colourful and symbolic visual language, Ruby interweaves classical, gothic and esoteric elements into the creation of her paintings and drawings. Lately, existentialism is an enduring inquiry for Ruby. She often tells stories about the human experience of love and loss, institutionalised motherhood and dualism; the ego's (dis)association with nature. Through origin-fiction writing, paint and ink, Ruby is able to transform these questions into allegorical images, connecting her heart to a deeper material consciousness.

Ruby graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2020 with a Print Master’s, and was awarded a First BA (Hons) degree in Fine Art Printmaking by The University of Brighton in 2017. She has exhibited in shows across the UK and internationally in NYC. Ruby has worked with social-political arts causes such as Birth Rites Collection, Big Arts Herstory Project (BHAPS) and Energy Garden and was shortlisted for the Birth Rites Collection New Works 2020 and HIGH Award 2020. She is particularly interested in collaborating and exhibiting with artists, galleries and organisations concerned with the esoteric, ecology and maternal/gender politics.
